JAKARTA - The PDI-P supports President Joko Widodo's position in ordering ministers to stop the discourse of postponing the election or extending the presidential term of office to 3 terms.

A member of the PDIP faction, Said Abdullah, said President Jokowi's statement was an affirmation that all parties must prepare for an election that agreed to be held on February 14, 2024.

He hopes that the 2024 General Election will be an important milestone for democracy in Indonesia in the future, which will be more mature. As well as successfully producing national leadership with dignity.

"PDIP, as emphasized by Mrs. Puan Maharani, Chair of the PDIP DPP for Political, Security and Government Affairs, who is also Chair of the Indonesian House of Representatives, that PDIP supports the election on February 14, 2024, rejects the postponement of the election and the extension of the presidential term to three terms," Said said to journalists, Thursday, April 7th.

The chairman of the DPR RI's Budget Agency (Banggar) invites all parties to look at the upcoming 2024 elections. He hopes that the DPR, government and election organizers will immediately discuss the stages of the 2024 election, especially regarding the budget.

"We will immediately take concrete steps to prepare for the 2024 election," he stressed. The East Java legislator reminded that real power is suffering. If you are addicted to power, you can lose ground, anything can be cut off, including the constitution.

“This counterproductive discourse can be a valuable lesson. No matter how strong the political support in the government, but if it hits the foundations of the state whose pillars are supported by the constitution, I think the people's reason will be ignited," he said.

Previously, the Chair of the Indonesian House of Representatives, Puan Maharani, supported President Joko Widodo (Jokowi)'s stance that he forbade his ministers to voice or discuss the discourse on postponing the election or extending the term of office of the President which has become a recent polemic.

Puan assessed that Jokowi's attitude was correct. According to him, ministers should focus on helping the President solve various national problems rather than discussing the postponement of the 2024 election.

"We certainly hope that the ministers follow the President's orders, so that they can focus more on helping the President overcome various national problems, especially the increase in various commodity prices that are burdening the people at this time. If there is a reason that the discourse is legal in a democratic country, I think the topic of people's economic recovery is now more important to be discussed in the public sphere," said Puan after meeting with President Jokowi, at the Bogor Palace, West Java, Wednesday, April 6.

Puan further explained that what the people need at this time is not talking about postponing the election or extending the presidency.

“But how can the prices of basic necessities not increase and they are also easy to obtain. Especially in the days leading up to Hari Raya today," he said.

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