KENDAL - The Central Java Police's Food Task Force Team found hundreds of liters of packaged cooking oil that allegedly did not have a distribution permit. The food task force team's findings occurred at the Boja Kendal market, Monday, April 4, when the task force team was monitoring cooking oil distributors.

Director of the Criminal Investigation Unit of the Central Java Police, Commissioner Johanson R Simamora, confirmed this and emphasized that the case is currently being developed.

"It is true that we found allegations of criminal acts of violating the Trade and/or Consumer Protection Act. We found several packaged cooking oil with the Gulent brand", said Commissioner Johanson in a written statement, Wednesday, April 6.

Johansen also revealed that the investigation by the Food Task Force team found the fact that the packaged palm cooking oil product did not yet have a distribution permit.

"The brand does not have a permit from BPOM and does not have a halal certificate, so it is feared that it can cause consumer safety and health problems", he said.

In addition, the Food Task Force team also found that there was an allegation of the repacking of subsidized cooking oil without a permit in this case.

"The evidence that was secured in the form of 9 pieces of packaged cooking oil of the Gulent brand containing 12 plastic bottles. Each bottle has a net of 900 grams so that the number that is secured is 97.2 liters", said Commissioner Johanson.

From the investigation, it is known that the producer of packaged cooking oil of the Gulent brand is located in the North Jakarta area.

"Currently the location of the factory is still being investigated. The Ditreskrimsus is also still examining several witnesses and will make clarifications to the brand owner. Hopefully, it will be clear and can be fully disclosed soon", said Commissioner Johanson.

Meanwhile, the Head of Public Relations of the Central Java Police, Commissioner M Iqbal Alqudusy, stated that currently there are many new brands of cooking oil that were not circulating in the field.

"This fact was revealed by the National Police Chief in Jakarta based on the results of monitoring by the National Police and the Ministry of Industry. There is a mode of repacking or repackaging without a permit, then it is made as if it were premium cooking oil. Even though it contains bulk cooking oil", said Iqbal.

Therefore, the Central Java Police are aware of the presence of these modes in the field and are ready to take firm action against the perpetrators of repacking (repackaging) bulk cooking oil without a permit, as well as other forms of violations related to cooking oil.

He also asked the community for cooperation to report to the police or related agencies if they found any abuse of bulk cooking oil.

"Please report any irregularities. We really appreciate the participation and participation of the community", he concluded.

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