JAKARTA - Reynhard Sinaga's father raised his voice regarding the news and the prison sentence his son had to endure. Because she raped more than 190 men in Manchester, England.
Reporting from The Guardian, via telephone Saibun Sinaga, Reynhard's father said the punishment his son received was worth his actions.
"We accept the verdict. The sentence is in accordance with what he has done," said Saibun Sinaga when contacted, Tuesday, January 8, 2020.
Saibun also did not want to comment further regarding this case and other growing speculations. "I do not want to discuss this case further," he concluded.
In this case, Reynhard was charged with 159 counts of sexual crimes, including 136 counts of rape and 8 counts of attempted rape, against 48 different men over a period of 2.5 years. Judge Suzanne Goddard set a minimum sentence of 30 years that Reynhard must serve, before he can get parole.
Reynhard was also charged with raping the victims by drugging them with illegal drugs such as GHB (gamma-hydroxybutyric acid). For his behavior, Reynhard did not regret his actions at all.
During the four trials and when he was examined by the Manchester police. Reynhard showed no expression of either empathy or remorse for his actions. The look on his face was emotionless and bored as long as the judge read the verdict.

Judge Goddard in his verdict said Reynhard did not appear to show "the slightest remorse" for the case that ensnared him. One of his victims even described Reynhard as a "monster.
"You are an evil serial sexual criminal who is after young men who come to the city center to spend a good night with their friends," said Judge Goddard.
However, Reynhard Sinaga once denied the charges from the Public Prosecutor (JPU) who said he had forcibly raped dozens of these men. Reynhard argued that his victims were consciously having sex with him, even claiming that his victims agreed to be filmed and were willing to participate in his sex fantasy games.
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