Election Observer Regrets DPR Postponing Election Budget Discussion Meeting
KPU Building/Photo: Antara

JAKARTA - A member of the Advisory Council of Needdem, Titi Anggraini, regrets that the discussion of the 2024 General Election budget was delayed due to waiting for the inauguration of KPU and Bawaslu RI members for the 2022-2027 period. Pilkada in 2024 is more stable and ready," said Titi Anggraini, quoted by Antara, Wednesday, April 6. Previously, the Chairman of Commission II of the DPR RI Ahmad Doli Kurnia ensured that Commission II of the DPR would discuss in detail the stages of the 2024 General Election with election organizers after the KPU members. and Bawaslu for the 2022-2027 period will be officially inaugurated by the President next week. "Next week, new KPU/Bawaslu members will be inaugurated. Discussions on the 2024 election stages will be carried out after that so that the discussion is more flexible because they are the main people in charge," said Doli at the DPR RI Building. .However, continued Titi Anggraini, that goal is actually the opposite of development In addition, he said, the General Election Commission (PKPU) Regulation on Stages, Programs and Schedules has not been finalized until today, as well as the budget that never set. In the end, it is still the arrangement of stages and budgeting that is closely related to the implementation of the stages of the election.

Titi, who was once the Executive Director of Needdem, assessed the attitude of the Government and the DPR which seemed very ambiguous regarding the arrangement of stages and budgeting for the 2024 General Election. person by person. It is also emphasized that the legitimacy of election management is institutional-based, not person-to-person. Whoever the KPU member is, the support from the secretariat will still be carried out by the same secretariat as the power user of the budget. through discussions with the new KPU. That's what I didn't know," said Titi, who was elected as the Democracy Ambassador for the International Institute for Electoral Assistance (International IDEA).

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