TANGERANG - Environmental activists who are members of the North Tangerang Student and Youth Association (Himaputra) have asked the local government (Pemda) to take quick and decisive steps by freezing permits for companies/factories that pollute the environment in this area.Chairman Himaputra Nuradi, in Tangerang , Tuesday 5 April, said that the government or related agencies such as the Environment and Hygiene Service (DLHK) must immediately find concrete solutions related to public complaints regarding environmental pollution by these industrial companies. One of them, such as what was done by PT Cheng Kai Lie a waste oil management company that is suspected of having polluted the flow of the Pisangan Jaya River, Sepatan District since a few months ago. "We ask DLHK to find the best solution for the environment polluted by the used oil processing industry. We hope DLHK will impose sanctions on the company," he said. quoted by Antara.Me according to him, if referring to Law no. 32 of 2009 concerning Environmental Protection and Management, companies that have been proven to have violated must be given strict sanctions in the form of freezing or revocation of operating permits. Tangerang Regency," he also said. The head of Pisangan Jaya village, Muhammad Khotib, said he had written to the DLHK, Commission III DPRD, and the Tangerang Regent. However, until now there has been no response or action from them.

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