BANTUL - The Regent of Bantul, Yogyakarta Special Region, Abdul Halim Muslih wants every individual in this area to be able to instill the values ​​of the five precepts of Pancasila into himself.

"Pancasila is the basis of our country, as the basis of the state, so every individual, every citizen must know and practice the values ​​of Pancasila in him," said the Regent after attending the inauguration of Pancasila Village in Ngireng Ireng Hamlet, Sidomulyo Village, Bantul, Monday, April 5.

According to him, there are five precepts in Pancasila as the pillars of the ideology of the Indonesian state, and the values ​​of these five precepts must be instilled in all citizens without exception.

With the Pancasila Village in Bantul, he said, it is hoped that it can be a pioneer for other villages or for each individual to instill Pancasila values ​​in everyday life.

"It's not only a matter of unity in Diversity, but also a matter of divinity, a matter of humanity, a matter of deliberation, and a matter of justice so that every village must become a Pancasila Village, although it is not called a Pancasila Village," he said, quoted by Antara.

The Regent said that instilling the values ​​of Pancasila is very important because all elements of the nation cannot deny the existence of several ideologies that enter from outside that have the potential to divide unity.

"Including, the potential to play against each other and cause conflict in society, this must be prevented. Now one of them is instilling Pancasila values ​​into society," he said.

Meanwhile, the Commander of the Kodim (Dandim) 0729/Bantul Lt. Col. Inf. Agus Indra Gunawan after launching the Pancasila Village said that in Bantul there was only one Pancasila Village, but in the future, each sub-district will be formed with one Pancasila Village.

"This is in accordance with the instructions from the TNI AD leadership, there is no target, but the important thing is that by the end of this year, if possible, one sub-district will form a Pancasila Village," he said.

The Dandim said that before determining the Pancasila Village, he would examine the conditions and situations of the people who support the instilling of Pancasila in collaboration with the government and the National and Political Unity Agency (Kesbangpol).

"Because it is impossible for the TNI to organize it alone, we are coordinating with the police about what criteria are appropriate and whether the people in the village have implemented what has been stated in the values ​​of Pancasila," he said.

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