JAKARTA - The trial of the fraud case with the Rp1 trillion gold ponzi scheme at the Tangerang District Court continues. Former KPK employees, Rasamala Aritonang and Febri Diansyah acted as legal counsel for the victim.

The latest, this trial was held today with the agenda of hearing the testimony of witnesses to lighten the defendant. The witness who was presented was M. Ibadi who was once the attorney for the defendant, Budi Hermanto.

From the trial, it was revealed that 40 kilograms of gold belonging to the fraud defendant, Budi Hermanto, had not been confiscated. This disclosure begins with a confession from Ibadi who made a list of the defendant's assets around March-April 2021.

At that time, many victims were suing the defendant for damages. During the trial, Ibadi admitted that he had visited the defendant's gold shop located in BSD with the defendant and two other people.

"At that time the witness saw that the gold was weighed with a total of 40 kilograms and handed over to Zam and Buyung, but the witness admitted that he did not follow where the gold was taken because the witness was dropped off in the middle of the road near Cilandak Town Square around 03.00 am," said Rasamala in a written statement, Monday. , 4 April.

Meanwhile, of the 40 kilograms of gold, 20 kilograms of which was handed over to the family of the defendant named Ali Boy. Thus, there are 40 kilograms of gold that have not been confiscated and should be able to compensate the victims.

"In this trial it began to be revealed that there were 40 kilograms of gold that had not been confiscated and should have been used to compensate the victims," said Rasamala.

"Where are the assets of the other defendants, which should have been more in number in order to compensate all the victims' losses," he added.

In addition, Rasamala and Febri Diansyah had the opportunity to dig up a number of facts from the witnesses and check the evidence presented by the defendant. Not only that, the two of them also submitted a request for a confiscation of the defendant's assets which were transferred to another party.

"We submitted a confiscation of guarantee for 40 kg of gold which has been revealed as a legal fact at this trial," said Febri.

Meanwhile, the submission refers to Article 227 HIR, because in the trial for merging the claim for compensation, Article 101 of the Criminal Procedure Code regulates the provisions of civil procedural law as long as it is not regulated otherwise in the Criminal Procedure Code.

With the various new facts revealed, the victim's attorney appreciates the Tangerang District Court Panel of Judges who have opened up space for victims in the trial of the case for merging compensation claims.

It is hoped that in the future the recovery of the losses of the victims of the gold ponzi scheme of up to Rp. 1 trillion can be carried out fairly. The next trial will be scheduled for Wednesday, April 6 with the agenda of the defendant's statement.

This case started when Budi Hermanto bought gold from several people and promised high profits by paying bilyet giro or checks. To these people, he offered a term for the payment of the bilyet giro which increased the interest rate.

It's just that, over time, Budi can't keep his promise. He then allegedly spun money from new investors to old investors.

There is also the Vision Law Office which is now run by former KPK Spokespersons Febri Diansyah, Donal Fariz, and Rasamala Aritonang accompanying the victims by implementing Article 98 of the Criminal Procedure Code in order to recover their losses.

The following is the text of Article 98 of the Criminal Procedure Code:

If an act that forms the basis of an indictment in an examination of a criminal case by a district court causes harm to another person, then the presiding judge of the trial at the request of that person may decide to combine the lawsuit for compensation to the criminal case.

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