JAKARTA - President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) said that the COVID-19 vaccine will be injected in the near future so that life can return to normal. He is even optimistic that vaccines for the community will be carried out in late 2020 or early 2021.

"God willing, at the end of the year or early next year, the vaccine can be injected. This means that the situation can return to normal," said Jokowi when distributing Working Capital Assistance (BMK) to the public, which was broadcast on YouTube's Presidential Secretariat, Wednesday, September 30.

Jokowi said the initial vaccine administration would be carried out for around 170 million Indonesians. Later, the vaccine will gradually be given to all people.

"It also took several months and requires hard work for all of us," he said.

With optimism about the availability of the vaccine, Jokowi advised the public, especially those who have micro-businesses to survive in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic and not close. Because, when things start to normalize after the vaccine is given, it is hoped that this small business can immediately start moving.

"Try but have to survive. As I said, the vaccine can be injected immediately, God willing, December or January," he said.

Previously, President Jokowi asked the Committee for Handling COVID-19 and National Economic Recovery to regulate the provision of COVID-19 vaccine injections to the public as soon as possible. Jokowi asked his staff to report the details of the vaccine plan within two weeks.

"I ask for the vaccination plan, the vaccine injection plan is planned in detail as early as possible. I ask that within two weeks there will be detailed planning," Jokowi said when opening a limited meeting with the Committee for Handling COVID-19 and National Economic Recovery which was posted on his account. YouTube Presidential Secretariat, Monday, 28 September.

The preparations that Jokowi meant were regarding the commencement of vaccine administration, the location of the vaccine administration, the vaccinator officer, and who was the recipient of the first vaccine.

"Everything must be well planned. So that when the vaccine is there, it is just the implementation of the implementation in the field," he said.

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