JAKARTA - Seeing the still high tension on Ukrainian soil, it seems fitting to the decision that has just been taken by the United States. They again postponed the intercontinental ballistic missile test from a predetermined schedule.

The US military has officially canceled the test of the Minuteman III intercontinental ballistic missile. The goal is to reduce nuclear tensions with Russia during the war in Ukraine, the US Air Force statement said.

On March 2, the Pentagon first announced the postponement of the test after Russia immediately said it would put its nuclear forces on high alert. At the time, Washington considered it important for the United States and Russia to remember the risk of miscalculation and take steps to reduce that risk.

But the Pentagon has publicly insisted that this was a delay of some time, not a cancellation.

Air Force spokeswoman Ann Stefanek said the decision to cancel tests of the LGM-30G Minuteman III missile was for the same reasons as when it was first delayed. The next Minuteman III test is scheduled to take place later this year.

"The Air Force is confident in the readiness of the United States' strategic forces," Stefanek said.

Officials in the US military are rightly concerned that the launch of the Minuteman III test will be seen by Vladimir Putin as an escalation.

Minuteman is a strategic weapons system that uses intercontinental-range ballistic missiles. Missiles are deployed in toughened silos to protect against attack and are linked to an underground launch control center. The launch crew, consisting of two officers, carries out round-the-clock warnings at the launch center.

Multiple communication systems give the president and secretary of defense direct contact with each launch crew. If command capability is lost between the launch control center and the long-range missile launch facility, a specially configured E-6B air-launch control center aircraft automatically takes command and control of the missile or missile that is isolated.

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