POSO - Central Sulawesi Police Chief Inspector General Rudy Sufahriadi confirmed that the Madago Raya Operation to hunt down the remaining three suspected Poso terrorists was extended using a new strategy.

"There are still 3 DPO Poso terrorists who have not been arrested yet demanding the security forces to continue pursuing and arresting," said Kapolda Rudy, when contacted in Palu, Antara, Thursday, April 1.

The Madago Raya operation phase I in 2022 has ended on March 31, 2022. In addition to carrying out law enforcement, the task force (Satgas) for Madago Raya Phase II in 2022 will be reduced.

Not only that, Operation Madago Raya this time there will be a change in strategy and involve the community to arrest or urge Poso DPOs to immediately surrender. For the new hunting system and strategy, the Central Sulawesi Police Chief could not explain in detail.

"We will make changes to the strategy and reduce personnel," said Rudy.

Rudy hopes that the DPOs will immediately surrender to be processed legally.

"We want them to surrender, but if they don't, we will continue to pursue them," he said.

According to Rudy, currently the DPOs are in a state of urgency, if there is still support from a number of people and sympathizers, the efforts to complete the Poso East Indonesia Mujahidin (MIT) group are admittedly difficult to end.

This condition is expected to encourage the public to no longer support the Poso DPO group, which is a terrorist group.

"We are also trying to stop the activities of sympathizers who are still providing support to the DPOs and we are also continuing to carry out raids to ensure that no sympathizers go up the mountain to bring aid," he explained.

The police chief said the remaining Poso DPOs were Askar alias Jaid alias Pak Guru, Galuh alias Muhklas alias Nae and Suhardin alias Hasan Pranata.

The three members of the Poso MIT group are thought to be still in the mountains of Poso, Parigi Moutong and Sigi regencies.

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