BOGOR - The Bogor City Regional House of Representatives (DPRD) together with the Bogor City Government have ratified the Regional Regulation (Perda) for the Implementation and Handling of Social Welfare (P2KS).

The chairman of the special committee (Pansus) Dody Hikmawan during the ratification at the plenary meeting at the DPRD Building, Thursday, March 31, said the purpose of the P2KS Regional Regulation was to improve the welfare, quality, and survival of the people of Bogor City.

"The authority of the City Government in the implementation of social welfare includes the establishment of policies for the implementation of local social welfare in line with national and provincial development policies in the field of social welfare," said Dody as quoted by Antara.

Dody explained that the P2KS Regional Regulation is intended for people who have criteria such as poverty, neglect, persons with disabilities, remoteness, social tuna and behavioral deviations, disaster victims, and/or victims of violence, exploitation and discrimination.

In the Regional Regulation on P2KS it is explained that the handling of Social Welfare Necessary Services in the City Region is carried out by the City Regional Government together with the community through integrated and cross-sectoral programs with a comprehensive approach.

Meanwhile, efforts to handle the need for Social Welfare Services can be carried out through preventive efforts, repressive efforts, rehabilitative efforts, protection efforts and supporting efforts.

"The form of social welfare management includes Social Rehabilitation, Social Security, Social Empowerment, and Social Protection in accordance with Articles 9 and 10," explained Dody.

In this regional regulation, Dody also said that the community has the widest opportunity to play a role in the implementation of social welfare, as regulated in article 51.

The role of the community can be carried out by individuals, families, religious organizations, social organizations, non-governmental organizations, professional organizations, business entities, social welfare institutions and foreign social welfare institutions.

"Regarding the collection of donations of money or goods, it is regulated in Chapter XIII," he said.

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