JAKARTA - Minister of Transportation Budi Karya Sumadi said his party prepared vaccination facilities up to booster doses at airports, ports, stations, and terminals for people who are going home for Lebaran 2022.

"God willing, this can be vaccinated, at airports, ports, terminals, and also train stations," said the Minister of Transportation at a press conference on the Adjustment of COVID-19 Safe Travel Regulations organized by the COVID-19 Handling Task Force, reported by Antara, Thursday, March 31.

Budi Karya explained that the Ministry of Transportation will coordinate with related parties in the coming weeks, and will conduct simulations.

Meanwhile, the Head of the COVID-19 Task Force and Head of the National Disaster Management Agency (BNPB) Lieutenant General TNI Suharyanto said that people were allowed to go home for Eid 2022 with vaccination as a condition for traveling.

For people who have taken booster vaccines, there is no need for testing requirements, people who have received the second dose of vaccine are required to do a 1x24 hour antigen test or 3x24 hour PCR, while those who have just been vaccinated with the first dose need to do a 3x24 hour PCR test.

Therefore, the Ministry of Transportation facilitates vaccination facilities at airports, ports, terminals, and stations for people who want to complete the vaccination dose up to the third or booster dose.

The Minister of Transportation said a survey conducted by the Ministry of Transportation revealed that as many as 79 million people will return home for Eid in 2022 with the most destinations in Central Java, East Java and West Java.

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