JAKARTA - The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) is investigating allegations of money requests made by the inactive North Penajam Paser Regent Abdul Gafur Mas'ud to a number of companies.

The investigation was carried out by examining the three main directors of the company on Wednesday, March 30 at the Mako Brimob office of the East Kalimantan Police.

The witnesses summoned were the President Director of PT Hanucipta Pratama Karya, Linda Novita; President Director of PT Bara Widya Utama, Rifansyah Rasyid who was then represented by his staff; and Director of PT Daya Mitra Telecom, Bambang Subagyo.

From this examination, investigators investigated the process of applying for a business license in North Penajam Paser Regency and the suspicion of giving money. The goal is that Abdul Gafur's permission is granted.

"Witnesses were present and confirmed, among others, related to the process of applying for business permits in the PPU Regency area and the alleged flow of money to obtain the said permits," said Acting KPK Spokesperson for Enforcement Sector Ali Fikri in a written statement, Thursday, March 31.

Regarding the amount of money Gafur asked for, Ali did not provide further details. Because, until now, investigators are still continuing to explore through a number of witnesses.

Furthermore, Ali said investigators also plan to examine the President Director of PT Protelindo, Tommy Hardiansyah and the Director of PT Garton Mandiri Indonesia, Muclis Nawa that day. It's just that, Ali said, the two of them were not present.

"The investigative team immediately reschedules," he said.

The KPK has named Abdul Gafur as a suspect in receiving bribes related to the procurement of goods and services as well as permits.

Apart from Gafur, there are five other people who have been named as alleged recipients, namely the Acting Secretary of the North Penajam Paser Regency, Mulyadi; Head of Department of Public Works and Spatial Planning of North Penajam Paser Regency Edi Hasmoro; Head of the North Penajam Paser District Education, Youth and Sports Office, Jusman; and the General Treasurer of the Balikpapan Democratic Party DPC, Nur Afifah Balqis.

Meanwhile, as a suspect for giving bribes, the KPK has named a private party, Achmad Zudi. Their determination was initiated from the catching operation (OTT) which was held on Wednesday, January 12 in Jakarta and North Kalimantan.

From the results of the action, the KPK confiscated Rp1 billion and Rp447 million in accounts belonging to Balqis.

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