Child Abuse Case In Jagakarsa: Police Allege The Wife Of Siomai Builder Gives False Information To Hide Her Husband
Illustration (Photo: Pixabay)

JAKARTA - Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of the South Jakarta Police AKBP Ridwan Soplanit said that his party received different information from the family of Kusni, a siomai maker suspected of committing sexual abuse of minors in Jagakarsa, South Jakarta. Ridwan said that the statements from Kusni's wife and Kusni's brother were different.

According to Ridwan, the different information referred to is that since the first time investigators conducted an examination of Kusni's wife, she admitted that her relationship was not harmonious so she did not know her husband's whereabouts.

“His wife said that so far she had not met the perpetrator. That their domestic relationship is a little bit miss (misunderstood), so we don't have any suspicions," said Head of the South Jakarta Metro Police, AKBP Ridwan Soplanit, to reporters, Tuesday, March 29.

However, as the investigation progressed, the police looked for Kusni to his hometown in Garut, West Java. From there, the police found different facts from the confession of Kusni's wife.

"It turned out that the wife had picked up the perpetrator from her brother who was in Garut. Then he was brought back to the Bekasi address to be employed," explained Ridwan.

The existence of different information from Kusni's family made the police suspect that Kusni's wife gave false information to protect her husband.

The case is still being handled by the South Jakarta Metro Police.

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