MEDAN - The Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency (BMKG) said that 62 hot spots were observed in several areas in North Sumatra Province on Tuesday, March 29.

Medan BMKG Forecaster Defri Mendoza in Medan, Tuesday, said the 62 hotspots were monitored based on fashionable sensor monitoring via the Tera, Aqua, SNPP, and NOAA20 satellites.

A total of 62 hot spots were observed in six points each in Dairi District, Humbang Hasundutan (9), Karo (3), Labuhan Batu (5), North Labuhanbatu (2), and Mandailing Natal (8).

In addition, two points were monitored in Nias, South Nias (1), Padang Lawas (4), North Padang Lawas (3), Pakpak Bharat (1), South Tapanuli (6), Central Tapanuli (1), North Tapanuli (9 ), and Toba (2).

Regarding the weather, it will be cloudy Tuesday afternoon and evening with a chance of light rain in Simalungun, Asahan, Samosir, and the surrounding areas.

At night it is generally cloudy, with the potential for light to moderate rain in the Simalungun, Toba, Samosir, Langkat, and surrounding areas.

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