JAKARTA - The Head of the Impunity Monitoring Division of KontraS, Tioria Pretty Stephanie, proposed that the Attorney General's Office (Kejagung) involve civil society in the investigation team of alleged cases of gross human rights violations in Paniai, Papua, in 2014.

"If there were elements of civil society in this investigative team, this team could be more transparent and at least their independence could be guaranteed," Tioria said, quoted by Antara, Monday, March 28.

The civil society referred to by Tioria is a civil society that does have a track record of caring for Papua, has concern for cases in Papua, has concern for human rights (HAM), and has concern for victims.

The involvement of civil society in the investigation team of alleged cases of gross human rights violations is made possible by Article 21 paragraph (3) of the Law on Human Rights Courts.

The article states that in carrying out the task of investigating cases of serious human rights violations, the Attorney General may appoint ad hoc investigators consisting of government and/or community elements.

"However, this team is closed. This team also does not include elements of civil society," he said.

By involving civil society in the investigative team of alleged cases of gross human rights violations in Paniai, he believes the Government will get better results in terms of seeking justice which has been awaited by victims and the wider community.

Tioria assessed that the alleged gross human rights violations that occurred in Papua were the result of the security approach to defuse the conflict there.

Therefore, Tioria supports the Government to stop the approach to security by the state in Papua and replace it with a more humanist approach, such as an approach through dialogue and human rights.

"One thing that needs to be emphasized is to replace the security approach with a more humane approach," said Tioria.

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