JAKARTA - The famous lawyer, Otto Hasibuan, submitted a request for postponement of the debt payment obligation (PKPU) to Joko Soegiarto Tjandra. This application was submitted to the Commercial Court at the Central Jakarta District Court.

The application for postponement of debt payment obligations (PKPU) filed by Otto Hasibuan was registered on September 25, 2020. With case number 310 / Pdt.Sus-PKPU / 2020 / PN Niaga JKt.Pst with the attorney of the applicant Benny Henrico Pasaribu.

In his petition, Otto Hasibuan, who was once Joko Tjandra's lawyer, submitted the following petitum:

1. Receiving and granting the application for Postponement of Debt Payment Obligations submitted by the PKPU Petitioner in its entirety;

2. To declare that the PKPU Respondent is in the status of Postponement of Debt Payment Obligation and all its legal consequences;

3. Appoint and appoint Supervisory Judges from Judges at the Commercial Court at the Central Jakarta District Court to supervise the Postponement of Debt Payment Obligations;

4. Pointing and lifting;

Heribertus Hera Soekardji, SH Curator and Management registered at the Ministry of Law and Human Rights of the Republic of Indonesia with Proof of Registration of Curators and Administrators Number: AHU-234 AH.04.03-2017 dated 13 December 2017.

It is not known why Otto Hasibuan submitted a request for a postponement of his debt obligation to Joko Tjandra. Phone calls and WhatsApp VOI messages have not been responded to.

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