JAKARTA - VP Communication Organizing Committee Formula E Jakarta, Iman Syafei revealed that the organizers will present an entertainment package for spectators when the race is held.

The package not only spoils the audience to just watch the electric car race, but also includes a food music concert.

"Formula E, the package will not only be watched. It's like a one-day festival. There will be racing, or for example there will be a music concert on the beach, then a place to eat, etc. So it's not like we watch football, come to the stadium, sit down, watch the match is over. It's not like that," said Iman when contacted, Monday, March 28.

However, Iman admitted that the mechanism for offering this entertainment package was not final because it was still being discussed. This is because the organizers still need to finalize the accommodation facilities to the way in and out of the audience.

This package offer, continued Iman, will be announced along with audience ticket sales. The schedule for the announcement of the ticket itself has not yet been confirmed.

"It will soon be announced ahead of ticket sales, the line-up of the artist, all kinds, there is also a stage," said Iman.

Iman emphasized that the number of 10 thousand spectator seats prepared was still the minimum number. In a sense, the organizers and the organizing committee have set a point at 10 thousand spectators. However, the number of spectator seats prepared can still be more than that.

"There are a number of spectator spots. The area that was approved yesterday is 10 thousand. The rest, this number is still tinkering with. Only, it's definitely above 10 thousand," said Faith.

Based on preliminary estimates, additional spectator seats could be embedded in tens of thousands of seats. However, Iman admitted that it was impossible for the placement to reach 50 thousand spectators, as stated at the beginning of the determination of the circuit in Ancol.

"Less than 50 thousand, maybe around 35 thousand to 40 thousand (audiences), it can be. Actually, we haven't decided on the final yet, it's still in discussion. Maybe this week the total capacity will be decided soon," said Iwan.

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