JAKARTA - The Bandung Police Criminal Investigation Unit arrested a gangster with the initials AH (22) who stabbed an online taxi driver in the neck of an online taxi driver in Ciparay District, Bandung Regency, West Java.

The head of the Bandung Police, Kombes Pol Kusworo Wibowo, explained how the burglary took place on Friday, March 25, in the early hours of last night. The perpetrator carried out the persecution because he really wanted to steal the victim's car named Irwan Rusmawan (56).

"So this suspect really ordered a taxi online through the Indriver application from the Cilengkrang area of Bandung City to Ciparay, Bandung Regency," said Kusworo at the Bandung Police, Bandung Regency, Monday, March 28.

In addition to stabbing, the suspect allegedly also hit the victim several times. As a result, the victim suffered bruising and stab wounds to the neck.

The burglary started when the perpetrator ordered a taxi online. Then the victim as a taxi driver picked up the perpetrator on Jalan AH Nasution, Cilengkrang area, Bandung City. The perpetrator ordered a taxi to be taken to the Ciparay area, Bandung Regency.

However, after approaching the delivery location, the perpetrator showed the victim to be escorted in another direction. Then when he found a small and deserted road around the rice fields in the Ciparay area, the perpetrators then launched an act of persecution

After that, according to Kusworo, the position of the victim began to be helpless because he received threats from the perpetrator. The perpetrator, he said, asked for a wallet, vehicle registration, cellphone, and ordered the victim to leave the car.

"After getting the victim's belongings, the perpetrator immediately fled," Kusworo said as quoted by Antara.

Then, according to him, the police received the report of the robbery and pursued the perpetrator. Soon the perpetrators can be caught by the police in less than two days.

Kusworo said the perpetrators carried out the acts of persecution and theft because of economic needs. The perpetrator, he said, did not have a job.

"The victim is currently still being treated as an outpatient because from this incident the victim IR suffered bruising to the left eye temple and a tear in the neck due to the perpetrator's sharp knife type weapon," he said.

In addition to the perpetrators, the police also secured a car belonging to the victim that was stolen by the perpetrator, namely the Daihatsu Sigra, including the vehicle registration number, the victim's cellphone, and other evidence belonging to the perpetrator.

As a result of his actions, AH was charged with Article 365 of the Criminal Code with a maximum sentence of nine years in prison.

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