JAKARTA - One person who beat up a car driver on the Casablanca Non-Toll Overpass (JLNT), South Jakarta, was finally arrested by the South Jakarta Metro Police Criminal Investigation Unit (Satreskrim).

"One person has been arrested," said Head of the Criminal Investigation Unit (Kasat Reskrim) of the South Jakarta Metro Police AKBP Ridwan Soplanit to reporters, Sunday, March 27.

Based on the development of one perpetrator who was caught, Ridwan said that the total number of attackers at the location were seven people.

"From one perpetrator, we managed to develop seven people," he said.

Ridwan said the seven motorcycle riders were from North Jakarta who were passing through JLNT Casablanca.

"All of them are residents of North Jakarta," he said. Ridwan explained, currently his party is still searching for six other perpetrators.

"We are still exploring their respective roles," he said.

Previously, a video of a viral commotion on the Instagram account @Jabodetabek.terkini. Motorcycle riders got into an argument with car drivers after being reminded that motorbikes were not allowed to cross JLNT Casablanca on Friday, March 18, last.

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