Prada Yotam Escaped With SS1 V1 Weapons, Danrem 172 PWY: No Report Of Joining KKB
Danrem 172/PWY TNI Brigadier General Izak Pangemanan. ANTARA/Evarukdijati

JAYAPURA - Commander of Korem 172 PWY Brigadier General Izak Pangemanan stated that until now there has been no report of Prada Yotam Bungiangge joining the Armed Criminal Group (KKB) in Kenyam, Nduga Regency, Papua. is a member of Battalion 756/MWS with KKB led by Egianus Kogoya," said TNI Brigadier General Izak Pangemanan as quoted by Antara, in Jayapura, Sunday, March 27. but the person concerned has not reported himself to the new unit. Prada Yotam when he fled was on duty at Kompi C Senggi, Keerom Regency, on December 17, 2021 when he was picket and the weapon was without ammunition, said Brigadier General Izak Pangemanan. Nduga Police Chief AKBP Komang Budhiarta separately admitted that there was information that a deserted member of the TNI, namely Prada Yotam, had joined the army n The Armed Criminal Group (KKB) led by Egianus Kogoya. Prada Yotam Bugiangge is a son born in Kenyam, and information circulating in the community reveals that he has been with the KKB for three weeks. the community," said AKBP Komang, who was contacted by cell phone from Jayapura. Infantry Battalion 756/MWS based in Wamena, the capital of Jayawijaya Regency, is one of the battalions owned by Kodam XVII/Cenderawasih.

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