JAKARTA - Indonesian Vice President (Vice President) Ma'ruf Amin stressed that Indonesia does not want to be a spectator nation or a follower in global competitions, but rather wants to be a winning nation.

The Vice President in his speech at the Graduation Ceremony of Strata I Batch XXV Islamic High School (STAI) Saladin Al-Ayyubi virtually in Jakarta, Sunday, March 27, stated that the challenges we face as a nation in the midst of globalization and the digital revolution are increasingly complex.

"We want to be a winning nation in global competitions, not spectators, let alone imitators," said the vice president.

The vice president reminded STAI young scholar Salahuddin Al-Ayubbi, to become Indonesian Muslim youths who are moderate, tolerant, globally competitive and advanced, as well as being an example or role model for the world's Muslim generation, in order to be able to contribute to making Indonesia a winning nation.

To achieve this, said the Vice President, it is necessary to excel in various qualifications, not only in the academic field, but also in practice in the field.

"Theoretical abilities that build a systematic and structured mindset must be supported by practical abilities to achieve concrete results," he said.

The vice president also conveyed four messages to the young scholars of STAI Salahuddin Al-Ayubbi.

First, the Vice President asked young scholars to uphold religious and national values, which are the identity of Indonesian Muslims. He emphasized that the Indonesian nation stands on plurality, and plurality is the reality and wealth of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia that must be grateful for.

Second, the Vice President asked young scholars to master domestic and global issues and understand technological advances and digitalization, and their impact on people's lives.

Third, the Vice President appealed to young scholars not to stop studying to the grave, as the message of the Prophet Muhammad SAW.

Fourth, the Vice President reminded young scholars that it is their duty to become superior human resources, have faith and piety, and have global competitiveness.

"Our nation needs human resources who are capable, creative, innovative, and master science and technology, to realize the visions for the progress of the nation. I hope you are among those who have the qualifications of the human resources we need," said the Vice President.

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