JAKARTA - Suggestions for the government to issue a second in lieu of laws (Perppu) for the 2020 simultaneous regional elections in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic continue to emerge. In fact, the KPU also gave five points of proposals regarding the Perppu.

Member of Commission II DPR RI PKS Faction Mardani Ali Sera also supported the issuance of the second Perppu for the Pilkada event. Because, according to him, the passing of General Election Commission (PKPU) Regulation Number 13 of 2020 has not been able to overcome the potential for virus transmission during the Pilkada.

Not only that, said Mardani, PKPU's position was weak because it was under the law. Meanwhile, there are regulations in several PKPU Articles that are against the Law.

"Because PKPU has a degree below the law, when the law allows Pilkada to be conducted with performing arts, music concerts, then healthy walks, competitions, limited campaigns, while PKPU wants to limit it. So this is very easy to be sued," he said, in a virtual discussion on Polemic entitled "Pilkada in the Middle of a Pandemic", Saturday, September 26.

For example, said Mardani, a similar case that had occurred when the KPU prohibited a legislative candidate from being a corrupt ex-convict from running was sued, and finally died automatically because it was against the Law.

Furthermore, Mardani said, it is not impossible for a similar thing to have a big chance of happening to PKPU No.13 of 2020 in organizing this year's democratic party.

Not only that, according to Mardani, this is also contrary to Law Number 6 of 2020, which only provides an appeal sanction and does not create a deterrent effect.

"Pilkada cannot be an appeal, it must have a firm legal force, a strong legal umbrella, especially during the current pandemic," he said.

According to Mardani, if the government wants to continue the 2020 regional elections in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, it must issue a Perppu. Otherwise, it will be very dangerous because there is no guarantee that the health protocol will be followed with discipline.

"For me, we want the Pilkada to continue but don't want to do our homework. We make a Perppu, which is just a lie and is very dangerous," he said.

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