DENPASAR - The Ministry of Health has purchased 18 Whole Genome Sequencing (WGS) devices which will be distributed throughout Indonesia, and one of them is Bali to treat priority diseases.

"This tool is very 'sexy' for a researcher and it is a new tool and a top priority for health, such as treating stroke, cancer, infectious disease and others," said Health Minister Budi Gunadi Sadikin in Bali, quoted by Antara in a written statement, Friday, March 25.

This tool is a grant from the Ministry of Health which will then be managed by the Faculty of Medicine, Udayana University, Bali in collaboration with Sanglah Hospital Denpasar.

The Minister of Health said there were five studies that would be encouraged, if at BRIN the results were in the form of journals, at the Ministry of Health in the form of policies and services.

In addition, his party will not only provide tools, but the reagents will also be financed and it is hoped that they will focus on new treatments for diseases. The research that will be carried out will focus on service products.

"It is hoped that with the WGS tool, researchers in Indonesia are not inferior to researchers from abroad. WGS is a method used to sequence genomes in organisms, such as bacteria, viruses and humans. Genome is genetic material composed of DNA," he explained.

Meanwhile, Unud Chancellor Prof I Nyoman Gde Antara said that the tool had an impact on increasing the number of publications and scientific works. "So far, many researchers have to process data, especially those related to genome sequencing by sending samples abroad. quite easy, and academic publications can be improved," he said.

When all supporting devices are complete, they will be installed immediately. In addition, Genzet has also been prepared and accompanied by training for HR, and when it is ready, everything can be tested immediately, so that it can be used as widely as possible.

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