JAKARTA - The Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology (Kemendikbudristek) ensures that the state will be present in financing the compulsory education process in both public and private schools in the National Education System Bill (RUU Sisdiknas). during the compulsory education period. Through this bill, Kemendikbudristek also proposes to expand compulsory education to 12 years," said the Head of the Educational Standards, Curriculum and Assessment Agency (BKSAP) of the Ministry of Education and Culture, Anindito Aditomo, in a written statement in Jakarta, Friday, March 25. from Kemendikbudristek actually strengthens the government's commitment to ensure access to education, including through assistance provided to private schools. “This certainty will be regulated through compulsory education regulations. If compulsory education is implemented, the government needs to fund both public and private schools," he explained, quoted by Antara. Teachers and Lecturers, as well as Law Number 12 of 2012 concerning Higher Education. In the new draft law, the Ministry of Education and Culture offers fundamental changes, one of which is the expansion of the compulsory education period from 9 years to 12 years. This change plan has implications for the potential for increased funding by the government. Therefore, Kemendikbudristek is still conducting further research and receiving various inputs during the preparation process.

“We want to encourage the government to make a greater commitment to finance education by expanding compulsory education. Exactly what it looks like is still being discussed," said Anindito. An observer of Education Policy from Widya Mandala Catholic University Surabaya, V Luluk Prijambodo, appreciated the process of drafting the National Education System Bill which was deemed to have complied with the provisions. In fact, the public test has been carried out since the early stages of planning. “This is an appreciation for the Ministry of Education and Culture when socializing the National Education System Bill. This bill has been shown to the public, so that the public can access it and know that the process of drafting it has really been passed,” said Luluk. new law and believes there is a fundamental change for the better. The National Education System Bill, he said, was very inclusive both in terms of material substance and in the socialization process.

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