BANDUNG - National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo directly inspected the distribution process of bulk oil from distributors to traders which will later be sold to the public at the Sabilulungan Healthy Market, Soreang, West Java.

"I asked several traders directly about the presence of cooking oil," said Sigit in a written statement quoted by Antara, Thursday, March 24.

At the location, the National Police Chief asked the sales price from the distributor to the traders. He received a report that bulk oil was sold for Rp. 14,500.

Meanwhile, the traders will later sell it to the public for Rp. 15,500. This is in accordance with the Highest Retail Price (HET) policy set by the Government.

"Indeed, yesterday they said that bulk oil was still unable to match the HET, but today I asked for the Soreang market to get 5 tons and distribute it to 61 traders," he said.

After having a dialogue with the traders, Sigit emphasized that the availability of bulk cooking oil and basic necessities must be guaranteed for the community to meet their daily needs. Moreover, it will soon enter the month of Ramadan.

"I hope and ask for help that this continues to be controlled so that the presence of bulk oil can really be available and the price is in accordance with the HET," said Sigit.

That way, all the basic necessities and other commodities needed by the community, especially housewives, are always available.

"Of course, I hope that price fluctuations will continue to be followed so that we can really maintain and control them," said Sigit.

The traders of Sabilulungan Healthy Market Soreang could not hide their joy with the National Police Chief because of the ongoing process of distributing bulk oil on the market.

They said they were very grateful and expressed their gratitude to the National Police Chief, because bulk cooking oil, which was previously scarce and the price skyrocketed, is now available and guaranteed and the price is no longer high.

"Thank God, now, sir. Thank you, Mr. National Police," said the traders.

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