YOGYAKARTA - Delegations from countries that are members of the G20 Environment Deputies Meeting and Climate Sustainability Working Group (EDM-CSWG) visited the Ngayogyakarta Hadiningrat Palace in Yogyakarta.

In addition to seeing a number of historical collections, the delegates also had the opportunity to enjoy traditional drinks from the Yogyakarta Palace.

"Today, the palace received a visit from the G20 group that we welcomed from the event and left at (Ward) Magangan," said Penghageng Kawedanan Hageng Punakawan Nitya Budaya Gusti Kanjeng Ratu (GKR) Bendara, reported by Antara, Thursday, March 24.

According to Bendara, the G20 delegates started their visit by watching the Jayapatra Exhibition which took place at the Yogyakarta Palace Exhibition.

The exhibition presents various historical evidences that show the dedication of the Yogyakarta Palace to the Indonesian nation.

The delegates were also invited to see a number of train collections belonging to the Palace and then continued their journey along the Sitihinggil Ward.

"This is a quite historic location for our nation," said the youngest daughter of the King of the Yogyakarta Palace, Sri Sultan Hamengku Buwono X.

According to him, the four paintings by Raden Saleh that have been restored at the Yogyakarta Palace did not escape being exhibited to the delegates.

The group also saw the work of various types of batik typical of Yogyakarta, especially those used in the Yogyakarta Palace.

"We also display several MSME products in DIY to complete the storyline from Yogyakarta," said Bendara.

On the sidelines of exploring the contents of the Palace, the G20 delegates had the opportunity to rest in the Srimanganti Ward by enjoying Javanese beer.

"Java beer is a non-alcoholic drink and this is a traditional drink from Yogyakarta, from the Palace itself," he said.

Bendara hopes that by visiting the Yogyakarta Palace, the G20 delegates can understand the history of Yogyakarta and then share their experiences with the world.

He also hopes that this momentum can show that Yogyakarta is ready to welcome foreign guests or tourists again.

"Hopefully YIA (Yogyakarta International Airport) will soon be opened and ready to bring foreign tourists to Yogyakarta," said GKR Bendara.

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