JAKARTA - Social media activist Denny Siregar invited Immanuel Ebenezer alias Noel to meet after the General Chairperson of the Jokowi Mania Volunteer (JoMan) was removed from his position as President Commissioner of PT Mega Elektra, a subsidiary of PT Pupuk Indonesia.

The meeting will be filled with casual chat while sipping Denny's custom coffee. However, Denny admitted that he would explain about the figure of the defendant Noel had recently 'defended' when he was a witness in a terrorism trial. Denny spoofed his name to Munarboy.

"When do we have coffee with Noel, while playing chess. Let me tell you how dangerous Munarboy is for this country. Let you understand and not be careless. This is not a matter of hatred, this is still protecting the country," said Denny on his Twitter account, @Dennysiregar7, Thursday, March 23 .

Denny said it would be good for Noel to change his attitude which had been shown to the public. "Learn to be humble, friend. Arrogance is painful," he added.

Previously, Noel reported Denny Siregar to the Criminal Investigation Unit at the National Police Headquarters on Wednesday, March 9 afternoon. The report was caused by Denny being considered provocation on social media after Noel became a light witness on his own initiative in a trial with the defendant Munarman.

However, Noel's report against Denny was rejected by the police on Wednesday 9 March. The substance of the article that was suspected of Denny was deemed inappropriate at the Criminal Investigation Unit of the National Police Headquarters.

Before the report was submitted to the police, Noel had given a warning to those suspected of stirring up the atmosphere under the pretext of defaming his name. Noel did not reveal the name but emphasized that the party had violated the ITE Law.

He said his patience had crossed the line on the pretext that there were videos and narrations that cornered him, which had been widely spread on social media and WhatsApp groups.

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