BANJARMASIN - Floods inundated roads and residential areas in several villages in North Labuan Amas District, Hulu Sungai Tengah Regency, South Kalimantan.

The Commander of the Military District 1002-08/North Labuan Amas Captain Inf. Lilis Sutanto said that floods inundated roads in Pahalatan, Mantaas, and Rantau Bujur villages in North Labuan Amas sub-district.

In addition, according to him, the flood caused 20 houses in Sungai Buluh Village to be inundated on Tuesday, March 22.

Floods do not hinder the daily activities of residents.

The District Military Command helps monitor the condition of flood-affected areas.

According to Lilis, the NCO, whose working area is in the lowlands and on the banks of the Barabai River, will help monitor the condition of the area.

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