PURWOKERTO - The National Narcotics Agency of Banyumas Regency, Central Java, uncovered a network of synthetic tobacco dealers and named two suspects in the case. Head of BNNK Banyumas Agus Untoro said that the disclosure of the case began with public information about the existence of a criminal act of illicit narcotics trafficking on February 4 2022. "We followed up the information with an investigation until finally securing a young man who received a package at his home, Tinggarjaya Village, Jatilawang District, Banyumas, through an expedition service suspected of containing class I narcotics. The young man is known to have the initials FA (19)," he said. When holding a press conference at the Banyumas BNNK Office, Purwokerto, Banyumas Regency, Tuesday, March 22. After the package was opened by the Banyumas BNNK officer, he said, inside was a plastic package containing synthetic tobacco narcotics with a gross weight of approximately 24.88 grams. .

Furthermore, the Banyumas BNNK officer searched the suspect's house and found a Poco cell phone unit along with his phone card as well as a clear plastic clip package measuring 4 cm x 6 cm. A few days later, on February 12, 2022, his party received back information from "We followed up the information with an investigation, until finally we arrested a man in front of a gold shop located in Karanglewas Market, Pasir Kidul Village, West Purwokerto District," said Agus. With the initials RM (31), he said, the Banyumas BNNK officer found a proof of delivery of the package through an expedition service company. After the package arrived in Brebes, Central Java, on February 15, 2022, RM and BNNK Banyumas officers immediately took it. When the package was opened in front of BNNK Banyumas officers and other witnesses , in which there are five packages of synthetic tobacco with a total weight of approximately 96.71 grams. They are also members of the network who were arrested by the Banyumas BNNK in 2021," he said. 4 of 2021 with a minimum prison sentence of 5 years and a maximum of 20 years. He admitted that he had only deliberately exposed the disclosure of the case even though the arrests of the suspects had been long enough. 20 years, so we are exposing the case today," he said. On the occasion of the commemoration of the 20th Anniversary of BNN, BNNK Banyumas also declared a commitment to implement the Development of an Integrity Zone Towards a Corruption-Free Area and a Clean Serving Bureaucratic Area or ZI Towards WBK and WBBM. "Therefore, the press conference related to the disclosure of the synthetic tobacco circulation case is one of the manifestations of this We are serious about serving the community, especially in eradicating the illicit trafficking of narcotics in Banyumas," he said.

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