JAKARTA - In the midst of the high price of cooking oil on the market, National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo went directly to the field to check the availability of bulk cooking oil at Pasar Minggu, South Jakarta.

In addition to ensuring smooth distribution and availability of supplies, the four-star general also checks the selling price of bulk oil according to the highest retail price set by the government, which is Rp. 14 thousand per liter or equivalent to Rp. 15 thousand per kilogram.

"We have just directly reviewed the distribution of bulk oil in the market, and today we carried out a check at the Sunday Market to find out whether bulk oil is available," he said, quoted by Antara, Monday, March 21.

During this check, the National Police Chief collected information and data by conducting questions and answers with traders at the Sunday Market.

According to him, from the results of checking with a number of traders at Pasar Minggu, the distribution of bulk cooking oil from distributors to the market went smoothly. Therefore, he continued, the stock of bulk cooking oil for the people's daily needs was available and safe.

"Alhamdulillah, I checked earlier and I met directly with the traders, the need for bulk oil in the Sunday Market is a bit rare these days, but today it has been filled," he said.

In addition, the National Police Chief also obtained information from traders on the selling price of bulk cooking oil from distributors at a price of Rp. 14,400, while the agents sold it to the public at a price of Rp. 15,500 per liter. "said Sigit.

General Sigit confirmed that he would check other markets to ensure the distribution of cooking oil is available to the public at an affordable price.

Previously, the National Police Chief checked the availability of cooking oil at the Bantar Gebang Market, Bekasi, West Java, Wednesday (16/3), then to Denpasar, Bali, Friday (18/3).

According to Sigit, the result of a meeting with several distributors and producers is to immediately distribute cooking oil to the market. Therefore, he ensures real implementation in the field.

"In the future, we both want to make sure. We want the implementation to be real. We hope that related to several submissions from fellow traders regarding the price of Rp. 15,500, please really be able to maintain it. Because we hope that the price of bulk oil is in accordance with the HET that has been set by the government," said the National Police Chief. .

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