AMBON - Sub-Directorate IV of the Tipidter Directorate of Special Criminal Investigation at the Maluku Police foiled the smuggling of 33 parrots from Namrole, South Buru Regency, to Ambon Island.

Together with the Maluku Natural Resources Conservation Agency (BKSDA), security forces secured the 33 parrots from the hands of a passenger KM Elisabeth II who sailed from Namrole port at Yos Sudarso Harbor, Ambon, Thursday, March 17.

"This Maluku parrot was smuggled by HL alias Mama WA, a resident of Wakal Village, Leihitu District, Central Maluku Regency," said Head of Sub-Directorate IV Tipidter, Kompol Asmar Sena in Ambon, Antara, Friday, March 18.

When examined by officers, Mama WA admitted that the 33 parrots belonged to her. "According to his confession, this is the third time and only last night he was arrested," said Asmar.

From the results of the interrogation, Mama Wa admitted that she bought the birds in Namrole for Rp. 50 thousand per head and later resold them for Rp. 200 thousand per head.

Asmar said Mama Wa violated Article 40 paragraph 2 in conjunction with Article 41 paragraph 2 letter B of Law Number 65 of 1990 concerning Conservation of Biological Natural Resources and Their Ecosystems.

"Currently, we have started to identify him as a suspect," said Asmar.

Dozens of Maluku parrots are now being entrusted to the Maluku Province BKSDA until the transfer of the suspect files and evidence to the public prosecutor of the Maluku High Prosecutor's Office.

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