SURABAYA - The Food Task Force of the East Java Police will conduct an investigation related to the scarcity of bulk cooking oil in the city of Surabaya.

This finding is based on the results of monitoring the availability of bulk and packaged cooking oil at the Wonokromo market, Surabaya, Friday, March 18.

"We will investigate and carry out further investigations, in accordance with the leadership's orders and in accordance with government policies," said Head of Sub-Directorate for Indagsi Ditreskrimsus East Java Police, AKBP Oki Ahadian.

While monitoring the cooking oil in the market, Oki ensures that packaged cooking oil is still available. Meanwhile, wholesalers of bulk cooking oil are still difficult to find.

Meanwhile, the highest price for bulk cooking oil varied, ranging from Rp. 23,000 thousand / liter to Rp. 24,000 thousand / liter.

"We have checked several places and asked the traders. For the availability of packaged cooking oil, the problem is bulk cooking oil," he said.

According to Oki, the results of this check will later be investigated further, including tracing the distribution of bulk oil. In this way, the constraints will be identified, causing the scarcity of bulk cooking oil.

"If in the search later someone plays, then we will take firm action," said the former Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of the Surabaya Police.

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