JAKARTA - The Minister of Women's Empowerment and Child Protection, Bintang Puspayoga, invites all parties to jointly make efforts to increase women's participation and leadership in the energy sector. Therefore, equality in accessing energy for women will have a positive impact on the Indonesian nation. economic empowerment, improving family health and enabling children to get a better education," said the PPPA Minister as quoted by Antara. Minister Bintang added that the current problem is that although almost half of Indonesia's and the world's population are women, their participation in the energy sector is limited. In February 2021, the Central Bureau of Statistics reported that the proportion of women of working age participating in the labor force was only 54 percent, compared to men, which was 82 percent.

Meanwhile, data from the Central Statistics Agency in 2020 also shows that only 29 percent of women have a higher education diploma in the fields of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. Then, coupled with the existence of a glass ceiling effect (limits for women to advance) which makes it increasingly difficult for women to reach top decision-making positions. "We must work together to encourage women's leadership in the renewable energy sector, by increasing women's participation in the workforce, especially in the fields of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics," he said. Furthermore, creating a female-friendly workplace, breaking the glass ceiling and continuing efforts to mainstream gender in all areas of development. We must also ensure that policies and actions in the energy transition can involve and provide benefits for women and girls, he said. Indonesia is currently drafting a Draft Law (RUU) on Renewable Energy. This bill is included in the priority list of the national legislature and is expected to be ratified in 2022. In its preparation, said Bintang, the Indonesian government will do its best to ensure that gender issues are accommodated in the draft. Meanwhile, General Chairman Kowani Giwo Rubianto said that energy is a an important thing in development and women play an important role as agents of change, as well as decision makers. he said, especially for women in rural areas who do not really have access to information and education. We must be able to bridge this by facilitating their education, and increasing their involvement in this energy transition, said Giwo.

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