JAKARTA - Russian diplomats believe that the idea of removing Russia from the United Nations will not materialize, reflecting on the provisions of the United Nations Charter and its determining factor is the United Nations Security Council.

The scenario of expelling Russia from the UN would never be possible, because the UN Security Council would not be able to issue such a recommendation, said Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova.

"No scenario of removing Russia's membership from the United Nations is possible by definition. Article 6 of the United Nations Charter does consider the possibility of the expulsion of a country from the United Nations based on the decision of the General Assembly following the recommendations of the United Nations Security Council," he said, quoted by TASS, March 18.

"But the Security Council is unlikely to give such a recommendation because approval of the appropriate resolution requires not only the support of nine members. But also the approval of the five permanent members who have veto power. Russia is a member of this quintet," Zakharova said.

He stressed, amid the anti-Russian propaganda surging in the West, the idea of removing Russia from the United Nations remains a fringe idea.

Zakharova recalls that the Ukrainian side had begun to indulge in such innuendo much earlier than February.

"Washington and his minions are following in his footsteps, who have supported the imposition of sanctions against our country, not even a simple majority in the UN General Assembly, let alone a qualified two-thirds majority," Zakharova said.

"All other members of the world community, have confirmed readiness to have a constructive and mutually beneficial relationship with our country as opposed to collective pressure and blackmail by the West," he said.

He warned that if the United States continued efforts to push its stance through blackmail and direct threats against other UN member states, the organization would face big questions as to whether it would be able to survive in such a situation.

He stressed that the adoption of any decision by majority vote achieved by force is not characteristic of the United Nations, but of alliances like NATO.

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