JAKARTA - The chairman of the G20 Education Working Group (EdWG) who is also the Director General of Teachers and Education Personnel of the Ministry of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia Iwan Syahril reminded the importance of preparing adaptive graduates.

Therefore, the Government of Indonesia is currently promoting partnerships between universities and industry.

"Vocational High Schools (SMK) are also encouraged to adopt a 'link-and-match' partnership scheme, so that they can develop relevant curricula for the advancement of student skills, as well as improve school infrastructure," said Iwan in a written statement in Jakarta, Friday, March 18. .

In the EdWG meeting session, Iwan also reminded the importance of the synergy between the world of education and the world of work to be the concern of the delegates.

Iwan added that as a form of adaptation and anticipation of changing needs in the world of work, education actors must gain more autonomy to be creative and innovate.

“Especially for higher education and vocational education, the demands for transformation are much higher. Since students graduate from education, they will be directly involved in the world of work,” said Iwan.

This transformation is also the focus of the Merdeka Learning breakthrough in the Eleventh Episode of Merdeka Vocational Campus, namely to create an educational ecosystem that is increasingly relevant to the world of work. The same is also expected for graduates of vocational schools such as SMK, to be ready to adapt to rapid technological developments and substantial changes in the world. workforce. Regarding Vocational Schools, Iwan shared good practices for the Eighth Free Learning Episode, namely the Center for Excellence Vocational School.

Troika Co-Chair from India, Neeta Prasad, said that his party is grateful to Indonesia for choosing the topic of the Future of the World of Work Post-COVID-19 as one of the priority agendas.

“We thank Indonesia for choosing this very important topic. These discussions will allow us to understand the new skills and roles of future jobs, which government and industry can help accelerate these improvements,” said Neeta.

The Head of the Turkish Delegation, Ender Ereskici, also said the same thing, who supported the priority agenda carried by the Indonesian leadership.

"Connecting the world of education and the world of business and industry is a very effective way to prepare our children for the future," said Ender.

The G20 EdWG meeting was attended by the Chair of the Digital Economy Working Group Indonesia, the Chair of the Engagement Group B20, T20, and Think20. In addition, 27 delegates attended offline, namely the delegations from South Africa, Saudi Arabia, Argentina, Australia, Brazil, France, Singapore, Spain. , United Arab Emirates, World Bank, UNESCO and UNICEF. 59 delegates attended online, namely the United States, the Netherlands, the United Kingdom, India, Italy, Japan, Germany, Cambodia (as Chair of ASEAN), Canada, South Korea, Mexico, Rwanda (as Chair of NEPAD), Turkey, the European Union and OECD.

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