SIPIROK - Dozens of hectares of rice fields belonging to the community have turned like the ocean due to the overflow of the Batang Toru and Sangkunur rivers in Angkola Sangkunur District, South Tapanuli Regency, North Sumatra and are threatened with extinction.

"It is estimated that dozens of hectares of farmers' rice fields are submerged, in addition to plantation areas and residential areas," said Simataniari Village Head, Habibullah Harahap, quoted by Antara, Thursday, March 17.

It is estimated that rice crops, especially in Kampung Setia Baru and Kampung Muara Pardomuan (Sibara-sibara) were damaged due to the flood.

"The rice paddy farmers who want to harvest it are most likely damaged due to being submerged. In fact, it is like the ocean," he said while monitoring the flood using a canoe with elements of the Police and TNI.

Floods at the beginning of 2022, at least for 4-5 days the water submerged hundreds of residential areas, agricultural areas and plantations, then receded.

"In the experience of the early 2022 flood, the water only receded about 4-5 days after the incident. Likewise, we hope that the current flood can recede quickly," he said.

Moreover, the activities of hundreds of residents, especially 75 family heads (KK) residents of Kampung Setia Baru and 96 KK residents of Kampung Muara Pardomuan (Sibara-bara) were completely disrupted.

Previously, the flood submerged the rice fields and residential areas of Sibara-bara residents, Simataniari Village, Angkola Sangkunur District, since morning around 06.00 WIB.

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