JAKARTA - Minister of Religion Yaqut Cholil Qoumas released the innovation of the Directorate General of Hajj and Umrah Organization (PHU) of the Ministry of Religion in services to pilgrims. The innovation is in the form of the HajiPintar mobile application.

With this application, prospective pilgrims can now register for Hajj online. This application was released by the Minister of Religion at the same time as the National Working Meeting (Rakernas) for the 2022 Hajj and Umrah Implementation Program at Pondok Gede Hajj Dormitory, Jakarta, Thursday 17 March.

"At the momentum of today's National Work Meeting, I am grateful and appreciate being able to launch Hajj registration electronically. It is enough by using the HajiPintar mobile application, pilgrims can register for Hajj," said the Minister of Religion accompanied by the Director General of PHU Hilman Latief.

"When registering, pilgrims do not have to come to the Regency/City Ministry of Religion. Evidence of Hajj registration is sent in electronic form with an electronic signature as well," continued the Minister of Religion quoted from the ministry's website.

With this system, said the Minister of Religion, Indonesian citizens (WNI) who are abroad can also register for Hajj. The process is simple, fast, inexpensive, and easy.

"This innovation was initiated since Prof. Nizar Ali served as Director General of Hajj and is now being realized by Prof. Hilman Latif," explained the Minister of Religion.

Not satisfied with the HajiPintar mobile application, the Minister of Religion asked the ranks of the Directorate General of PHU to continue to innovate with technological developments. One of the recommendations proposed by the Minister of Religion is the implementation of Hajj rituals in Indonesia by optimizing the use of digital technology.

"In the future, Hajj services must be more modern. We cannot equate pre- and post-pandemic services with services in the future. What we are launching today is part of digital transformation. We have to adapt to technology," said the Minister of Religion.

"Continue to develop. For example, learning rituals in the country which is carried out by optimizing the use of digital technology so that prospective pilgrims when learning rituals can really feel present in Mecca even though they are virtual. This will greatly help our Hajj pilgrims rather than using conventional methods. This is the era of the Metaverse," he said.

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