JAKARTA - To suppress the case of motor vehicle theft (curanmor), the West Jakarta Metro Police are trying to suppress the crime of theft by launching a breaker switch.

"This breaker switch is a tool to prevent and deter motor vehicle theft (Cekal Curanmor) which is rife in the West Jakarta area," said West Jakarta Metro Police Chief Kombes Pol Ady Wibowo to reporters, Thursday, March 17.

This breaker switch is to anticipate the rise of motorcycle theft in the West Jakarta area.

Kombes Ady explained, the process of installing this tool is also quite easy. That only takes 5 to 10 minutes.

"Installation is also 5 to 10 minutes," he said.

So far, continued Ady, there have been 150 motorized units belonging to residents who have installed the switch for free. With the installation of this tool, a parked motorbike cannot start even though the ignition key has been broken.

"This is because the electric current from the motorcycle battery does not run and can be turned on when the on-off button, which is known only to the owner of the motor, is activated," he said.

The police chief hopes that with this tool the public can prevent the crime of motor vehicle theft that lurks in their area.

"Especially when it comes to the holy month of Ramadan, the trend of crime is quite increasing," he said.

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