MORUT - Deputy Regent of North Morowali (Morut) H. Djira K revealed as many as 300 teachers in a number of elementary schools (SD) and Junior High Schools (SMP) in the area were placed as administrative staff.

"They do not meet the competency requirements to teach and do not meet the qualifications as teachers," he said in North Morowali as reported by Antara, Wednesday, March 16.

One of the required competence requirements is that a teacher must obtain a college education degree at least a bachelor's degree (S1). "If not, then the person concerned can no longer be a teacher," he said.

These teachers continue to work at the schools where they currently teach, but in administrative positions or in other positions that match their educational qualifications. If this is not done, it will have a serious impact on the academic quality of the students they teach.

"For the Morut Regency Government, improving the ability of educators is very important because it is related to the Smart Morut Program. I admit that the obstacles faced now are not only because of the quality of educators and the lack of numbers, especially in remote areas," he said.

But also, said Djira, there are limited facilities and infrastructure to carry out educational activities, teacher welfare, curriculum and other problems.

"We still need to fix a lot in the basic education sector. This is also the responsibility of PGRI as a professional organization for teachers," he said.

Another fact that was conveyed by Djira, is that currently, along with the influx of investors to invest in Morut, especially in the mining industry, there are quite a number of teachers with contract statuses who decide to quit and choose to apply for jobs in these companies.

This needs to be contemplated by all parties whether the teaching profession in the eyes of the community is currently no longer attractive or because of welfare issues. Their salaries as teachers are not enough to meet their daily needs compared to working in mining companies.

"This is our common challenge, how much we still face to improve the quality of education with all the limitations we face," he added.

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