JAKARTA - The Presidential Staff Office (KSP) assesses that the 100 percent face-to-face learning process (PTM) needs to be re-implemented as the level of community activity restrictions (PPKM) decreases.

Main Expert Staff of the Presidential Staff Office of the Republic of Indonesia Abraham Wirotomo said PTM is needed to prepare students for school exams so that their implementation can run smoothly and honestly.

"Not all teachers are facilitated by gadgets and the internet properly. Not to mention the technology. This is what is feared that the online exam will not be carried out optimally," said Abraham, in a press release in Jakarta, reported by Antara, Wednesday, March 16.

He conveyed that PTM can be applied by still referring to the Joint Decree (SKB) of the four related ministers.

According to Abraham, to ward off fears of a spike in COVID-19 cases during the implementation of PTM, local governments must increase COVID-19 tests with an active case finding (ACF) approach.

This, he said, is one way to determine whether a school is in a safe condition or not. So far, he said, ACF testing in schools has decreased.

"This is a PR (homework) for the government," he said.

Abraham explained how active case finding testing works in schools by testing 10 percent of the population.

If the positivity rate is below 1 percent, he explained, then there is no need to take any action. However, if the positivity rate is 1-5 percent, then one class must be isolated.

"Well, if the comparison between the number of positive COVID-19 cases and the number of tests carried out is above 5 percent, isolate for two weeks," he said.

Abraham emphasized the importance of accelerating vaccines in schools so that students are more protected from COVID-19 and the teaching and learning process can be held face-to-face.

Nevertheless, Abraham conveyed that the government must still adhere to the principle of prudence in determining all policies related to handling COVID-19, especially regarding relaxation.

"The number of cases and deaths in European countries that first relaxed began to increase. Several cities in China have also returned to lockdown. These facts make the government remain cautious and not rash in making decisions," he explained.

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