NAGAN RAYA - The Ministry of Trade distributed 10,220 liters (10.2 tons) of bulk cooking oil to Nagan Raya Regency, Aceh, as an effort to stabilize cooking oil prices in this area.

"Alhamdulillah, we have received 10,220 liters of aid from the government," said the Head of the Industry, Trade, Cooperatives and SMEs Office of Nagan Raya Regency, Aceh, Muhammad Nasir, quoted by Antara, Tuesday, March 15.

The cooking oil is distributed by the Indonesian Trading Company (PPI), which is then distributed through retailers with a selling price of Rp. 10,500 per liter to traders.

Then, the cooking oil is sold by traders to the public with the highest retail price of Rp. 11,500 per liter.

Muhammad Nasir said the bulk cooking oil sold by these traders must be in accordance with the predetermined HET, in accordance with a previously signed statement between PT PPI and the dealer.

The Nagan Raya Regency Government, he said, welcomed the efforts made by the central government, so that it is hoped that the scarcity of cooking oil among the people will be resolved soon.

"Hopefully in this holy month of Ramadan, the scarcity of cooking oil in the community will be resolved soon," he said.

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