PASER - Head of the Paser District Health Office, Dr. I Dewa Sudharsana, said a student in Long Ikis Sub-district, East Kalimantan, died as a result of being positive for COVID-19.

"A student in Long Ikis Sub-district died due to exposure to COVID-19," said Dr Dewa in Tanah Grogot, quoted by Antara, Tuesday, March 15.

The student who died had never been vaccinated against COVID-19.

Although he did not mention the name and school of the student, Dewa advised that this event could be used as a lesson about vaccinations that can reduce the risk of death due to exposure to COVID-19.

"We urge the public or parents to invite their children to be vaccinated against COVID-19," he said.

Dewa explained that the cases of death due to COVID-19 in Paser Regency were generally patients who had a history of comorbid or comorbid diseases.

"Vaccination can reduce the risk of being exposed to COVID-19 more severely. Generally, cases of death from COVID-19 are dominated by comorbid patients," he said.

Therefore, he appealed to the public, not only students, to take vaccinations. Vaccinations are carried out by puskesmas, government partners such as the TNI and Polri, community organizations and religious organizations.

"Based on data from the Paser Regency COVID-19 Task Force, it was recorded that as of Monday (14/3), as many as 359 patients were undergoing isolation and quarantine. Currently, Paser Regency is in the red zone," said Dewa.

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