JAKARTA - Commission III of the House of Representatives of the Republic of Indonesia highlighted the case of traffic accident that killed two twin boys on Padaherang - Kalipucang Road, Pangandaran, West Java, last Saturday, March 12.

Member of Commission III of the DPR RI, the PKB faction, Jazilul Fawaid, urged the police to continue the legal process against the driver of the big motorbike (Moge) who hit the Hasan-Husen twins to death. According to him, the accident case was not a small matter.

"We support the police to continue the legal process of this case. Because this is not a small matter, two lives were lost," said Jazilul Fawaid to reporters, Tuesday, March 15.

In that event, the family and the motorbike driver have decided to make peace. It is said that the driver gave IDR 50 million to the victim.

However, the Deputy Chairperson of the MPR assessed that the amicable decision of the two parties did not stop the legal process.

"A familial approach can be taken by both parties, it is a consideration to provide relief, but not to stop the legal process," he said.

Therefore, the East Java legislator asked the police to thoroughly investigate this case. So, said Jazilul, this accident case can be a lesson.

"In my opinion, the cause and legal process must be investigated so that it becomes a lesson. This case is purely an accident, carelessness or negligence in driving," he said.

Previously, the Head of Public Relations of the West Java Police, Grand Commissioner Pol. Ibrahim Tompo, said that the West Java Police were still processing the law on this viral accident case.

"We express our concern and condolences as a result of this incident that occurred on Saturday, March 12, on the Padaherang-Kalipucang Line, where this incident was caused by a collision between 2 Harley motorcycles and a road crossing, which resulted in the death of the victim at the scene. case," said the Head of Public Relations of the West Java Police, Grand Commissioner Pol. Ibrahim Tompo, Monday, March 14.

The former Head of Public Relations of the North Sulawesi Regional Police explained that until now the motorcyclist and motorbike have been secured at the Ciamis Police Station and the witnesses are being examined.

"Investigations continue to be carried out, including asking for witness statements, both witnesses who were at the crime scene and examination of the two drivers and then a case will be carried out to determine the status of the motorcyclist," explained the former North Sulawesi Regional Police officer.

He admitted that so far the two motorbikes and their riders have been secured at the Ciamis Police Station and today, Monday, March 14, we are carrying out an agenda to carry out inspections.

"Investigators of the Ciamis Police Traffic Unit are currently conducting an in-depth examination of the two drivers, and a case will be held to determine the status of the two drivers," he explained.

The Head of Public Relations also conveyed that the motorcycle was in a large group in a group heading to Pangandaran, but there were 3 motorcycles that were left behind and followed behind, and finally, these 2 vehicles had an accident.

“The incident happened at that time that pedestrians were walking on the side of the road, but there was one person who was about to cross and was then hit by a motorbike. Then came another brother or brother who was going to help his brother, suddenly another motorbike hit his other brother who was going to help. In the end, both of them died on the spot,” he explained.

Responding to the presence of the crasher, he has met with the family, Grand Commissioner Pol. Ibrahim Tompo stated that peace does not necessarily abort the criminal process of a crime that occurred.

"In this case, we remain consistent in carrying out the investigation process until the completion of the case file. So even if there is peace, for example, it is part of the humanitarian steps taken by the driver to the victim's family. And usually, it is only used for consideration in later court hearings,” said Ibrahim Tompo.

Tompo confirmed that the investigation process would still be carried out.

"What is certain is that the investigation process will continue, but if there is information about peace, it will be a matter between the driver and the victim's family," concluded Ibrahim Tompo.

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