JAKARTA - The public must understand the four pillars of nationality. These four pillars of nationality can strengthen the position of the community so that they are not easily provoked so that they are easily divided.

This message was conveyed by a member of the MPR PAN Faction for the DKI Jakarta III Dapil, Dian Istiqomah when holding a socialization on the 4 Pillars of the MPR to community leaders at RW O5 Srengseng, Kembangan, West Jakarta.

The purpose of the socialization of the four pillars of the Republic of Indonesia is to remind the public to understand the noble values contained in Pancasila, the 1945 Constitution, Bhineka Tunggal Ika and the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia.

If this condition occurs, it will certainly have an impact on increasing public awareness about living as a nation and state.

"The four pillars of the MPR RI consist of Pancasila as the basis and ideology of the state, then the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia as the state constitution and the provisions of the MPR. Then the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia (NKRI) as a form of state and Bhineka Tunggal Ika as the national motto," said Dian from a written statement, Monday, March 14.

According to Dian, Indonesia as a pluralistic nation still needs strengthening in the appreciation and practice contained in Pancasila as well as the emergence of an understanding of things that are wrong and narrow, such as a narrow understanding of religion and always considers its group the most correct.

In addition, the emergence of regional fanaticism so that there is a division.

"Especially now, it seems that there is a lack of appreciation for pluralism and diversity, a lack of example in attitudes and behavior as a leader and a national figure, and the failure of law enforcement to run optimally," said Dian, who is also a member of Commission II of the DPR.

Therefore, Dian advised the community to strengthen family resilience with togetherness and solidarity and harmony. Because the wealth and diversity of the nation is the strength of the Indonesian people who remain one.

"So we have to be proud to be Indonesian citizens, not to be divided," he said.

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