PAPUA - The Mimika Employment Social Security Administration (BPJAMSOSTEK) is ready to pay Work Accident Insurance (JKK) compensation to three employees of PT Palapa Timur Telematika.

All three were victims of shootings by an armed criminal group (KKB) in West Beoga District, Puncak Regency, Papua.

Head of BPJAMSOSTEK Mimika Verry Kristoforus Boekan said that of the eight employees killed by the armed gang, only three were registered as participants in the BPJS Employment program. The total compensation fund prepared by BPJAMSOSTEK to be paid to the heirs of the three employees of the company is Rp. 1.01 billion.

Meanwhile, five of their colleagues who were also shot by armed gangs were not registered as participants in the BPJS Employment program.

"After we checked the case and coordinated with the Mimika Regency Manpower Supervisor, it was decided that it was not an ordinary death case, but a work accident case so that the participant's heirs will receive Work Accident Insurance compensation of 48 times their salary, plus Old Age Security. and scholarships for victims' children who are still in school, from kindergarten to university," said Verry in Timika, Mimika Regency, Antara, Monday, March 14.

Based on data from BPJAMSOSTEK, of the eight employees killed by the armed gang, only three were employees of PT PTT and had been registered as participants in the BPJS Employment program through the BPJAMSOSTEK Branch Office, Kebun Sirih, Jakarta.

The three PTT employees are Bona Simanulang, Renald Tagase Surea and Bili Garibaldi.

The other five employees, namely Ibo, Jamaluddin, Sharil Nurdiansyah, Eko Septiansyah and Bebei Tabuni, are known to be employees of a subcontractor company, namely PT Berkat Dwi Kurnia. The five have not been registered as participants in the BPJS Employment program.

"We can only pay compensation to three PTT employees who are participants in the BPJS Employment program. While the other five people do not get compensation from BPJS Employment," explained Verry.

However, he said, according to the provisions of PP No. 44 of 2015 concerning the Implementation of the Work Accident Insurance and Death Benefit Program, the company that employs the five people is obliged to pay compensation to the heirs of the victims in the amount paid by BPJAMSOSTEK.

In this regard, Verry appealed to all companies in Mimika to register all their workers to participate in the BPJS Employment protection program.

"So if things like what happened to the eight employees who died as a result of being killed, the state can protect them through BPJS Ketenagakerjaan," he said.

Survivors on behalf of Nelson Sarira also received services from BPJAMSOSTEK in the form of coverage for all hospital costs for wound treatment and physiotherapy services for his injured waist.

Verry said that currently BPJAMSOSTEK Mimika is still waiting for the arrival of the heirs of the late Bona Simanulang to take care of the disbursement of his JKK and JHT claims because the victim's wife and children live in Timika.

Meanwhile, the heirs of the other two victims, Renald Tagase Surea and Bili Garibaldi, will be paid at the BPJAMSOSTEK office outside Timika, considering that they live in Jakarta and Ambon.

"We are still waiting for the arrival of the wife of the late Bona Simanulang. If she has come to Timika, we will immediately process the disbursement of the JKK and JHT compensation. If the compensation for Bili will be given in Jakarta, the same as compensation for Renald will probably be taken care of by the branch office we are in Ambon. What is clear is that you can pay anywhere," said Verry.

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