SUKOHARJO - Detachment 88 officers' pursuit of a terrorist suspect, Doctor Sunardi, has uncovered new facts. An eye witness, Joko said that the chase between Densus 88 officers and the terrorist suspect, Doctor Sunardi, was really like in an action movie.

In fact, Joko said that doctor Sunardi's silver Strada Double Cabin car had crashed into several other vehicles while being chased by officers.

"According to several people in the northern area (towards Mojolaban), the Strada vehicle was moving against the direction of Sukoharjo city. The vehicle had hit a box car and two motorcycles. The victims were not seriously injured," said Joko based on the police statement. Cilacap, Sunday, March 13th.

This fact was revealed after the eye witnesses were summoned to the Sukoharjo Police Station. The witness revealed that Dr Sunardi had also hit several vehicles while trying to escape from being chased by Densus 88 officers.

In his testimony, Joko admitted that at that time he was in a shop on the side of the Sukoharjo-Bekonang road.

"I was facing the road, while two of my friends were sitting with their backs to the road," said Joko.

"Suddenly a silver Double Cabin car passed by. There were two people on top of the car holding on to the iron on the back," said Joko.

The two people who were later identified by the Densus 88 apparatus, continued Joko, several times shouted to ask the car to stop.

"Screaming while banging on the top of the car. They had difficulty trying not to fall. Not long after the Double Cabin car passed, two other cars chased behind," added Joko.

"A little while later I heard gunshots," he continued.

Joko did not think that the incident was an act of pursuing a terrorist suspect.

"I was afraid and reflexively wanted to jump into the shop," he explained.

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