KUPANG - The Health Service stated that 688 patients who were confirmed positive for COVID-19 in Kupang City, East Nusa Tenggara Province, were declared cured so that the accumulated number of recoveries increased to 19,668 people.

"We received data from the Health Service which stated that there were 688 COVID-19 patients who were declared cured today", said a spokesman for the Kupang City COVID-19 Task Force, Ernest Ludji in Kupang, Sunday, March 13.

He said the number of recovered patients reached 688, the highest so far.

Quoted by Antara, Ernest Ludji said that with the recovery of hundreds of COVID-19 patients, there were 1,982 patients still under treatment.

Consisting of 1,822 people self-isolating at home and 160 people receiving treatment at the hospital.

The patients were residents spread across six sub-districts in Kupang City, namely Alak District 249 people, Kota Lama District 179 people, Kelapa Lima District 317 people.

Meanwhile, Kota Raja District has 263 people, Maulafa District 473 people, and Oebobo District 501 people.

Ernes Ludji said positive cases of COVID-19 in Kupang City have so far reached 22,003 people.

"We need to emphasize that there are no additional cases of death due to COVID-19, so far the number of deaths due to COVID-19 has reached 353 people", said Ernest Ludji.

He hopes the residents of Kupang City remain obedient to the health protocols because positive cases of COVID-19 in this area are still high.

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