JAKARTA - The investigation of the assault case against Novel Baswedan has entered a new phase. After determining two active Polri members, RB and RM as suspects, now it is the turn of the senior investigators of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) to take their statements.

The examination scheduled for Monday, January 6, at 10.00 WIB took place at the State Security Sub-Directorate (Kamneg) Building of the Directorate of General Criminal Investigation at Polda Metro Jaya. Later, Novel will be assessed as a victim in the case.

Before undergoing a series of examinations, Novel had a chance to make a statement. It's just that, not much has been revealed by him. Given that the process of taking information has not yet been carried out. However, he emphasized that he was always ready and supportive of the disclosure of the case which had been running for more than two years.

"Of course, when I was summoned, and this is related to the case which I am a victim of, it is my interest to provide information," Novel said in Jakarta, Monday, January 6.

On a different occasion, Novel Baswedan's attorney, Saor Siagian, added that it is possible that the examination of his client would lead to the motive for the attack. This is because there are several differences from the results of the investigation by the technical team, which previously stated that the attack was suspected to be related to the six major cases handled by Novel Baswedan.

Meanwhile, a statement from one of the perpetrators stated that the motive behind the case was a personal matter. "In fact, because on the one hand there are statements that this is a personal grudge. Well, it seems that the findings of fellow investigators and the expert team formed by the National Police Chief and the KPK and Kompolnas are there, it seems that there are things that need to be explored. "said Saor.

Apart from that, said Saor, the determination of the two suspects in the case is also questionable. The reason was that the faces of the perpetrators who had been seen by their clients during the watering incident were said to be quite different from the two active police officers. Therefore, it must be investigated again to ascertain whether the two active policemen were really the perpetrators of watering Novel.

"He (Novel) saw himself after the incident who attacked him. And after being confirmed by these two people, according to Novel Baswedan, he himself (said) there was no similarity," said Saor.

In fact, when asked about the involvement of a general behind the case, Saor mentioned that his client repeatedly said this. So, it is hoped that the investigation of the case will be transparent and thorough to reveal the figure of the mastermind of the crime.

"Novels repeatedly said that there was involvement of the General in this case. He was already open about it. So don't let this become a bad precedent. So we really ask for this to be thoroughly investigated," said Saor.

Previously, Novel was splashed with hard water on April 11, 2017 while walking to his residence after performing the morning prayers at the Al Ihsan Mosque, Kelapa Gading, North Jakarta. As a result of the splash of hard water, Novel's eyes were badly injured. He had eye surgery in Singapore.

Various attempts have been made before. However, the police admitted that it was difficult to catch the perpetrator or mastermind behind the attack on Novel. The National Police even formed a Joint Fact Finding Team (TGPF) to reveal the perpetrators of the sprinkling of hard water.

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