JAKARTA - Decree of the Minister of Finance (Menkeu) No.108 / KM.6 / 2020 dated 27 May 2020 concerning the "Stipulation of Extension of the Prevention of Travel Outside the Territory of the Republic of Indonesia to the Chairperson of the Consortium for Organizing Partners of the Sea Games XIX Year 1997, Bambang Trihatmodjo continues to be challenged.

Economic & Political Observer of the State Economic and Financial Investigation Agency (LPEKN), Sasmito Hadinagoro, suspects that the decision is a form of transferring issues to a number of cases of state financial scandals that have occurred so far.

"I indicated that this was to divert major issues of state financial loss which had not yet expired in plain view. For example, the mega corruption scandal case of Century Bank illegal bailout Rp7.9 trillion, which should be suspected of having the role of the Chairman of the Financial System Stability Committee (KSSK). that, Sri Mulyani, "said Sasmito in a statement received Monday, September 21.

According to him, the role of the KSSK Chairman in the Bank Century bailout case could not be ruled out. This is because the Chairman of the KSSK should be suspected of being the commander of an illegal bailout or an intellectual actor.

Because of that, the Chairman of the KSSK at that time was obliged to be held accountable legally.

"So, the role of him (Minister of Finance) is not only to provide bailouts to rogue bankers but to provide illegal bailouts of trillions of rupiah using public funds (APBN) without completing law enforcement. So, while it has not expired, can the Minister of Finance not be able to introspect himself ?," he explained.

Sasmito also challenged the government not to discriminate against citizens. Because of that, he asked the Minister of Finance to openly disclose to the public who this country's debtor is.

This is important so that the principle of equality before the law is truly fulfilled.

"Do not selectively cut. Pak Bambang's bans have been disclosed to the public. In fact, there are many other state debtors. The lawmakers should be exposed to the public," he said.

Sasmito admitted that he was surprised by the attitude of the Minister of Finance in questioning the Rp35 billion bailout that was given to the consortium that organized the SEA Games XIX- 1997 party. Even though this bailout was given to the Consortium because the costs of organizing the SEA Games were not listed in the APBN.

It should be noted that the implementation of the 1997 SEA Games was actually allocated for Brunei Darussalam to host the biennial event. However, Brunei objected because it was not ready to host, so the rights to organize the 1997 SEA Games were handed over to Indonesia.

"Because the costs of organizing the 1997 SEA Games are not in the APBN as usual, it was decided to invite a private consortium to play a role as a government partner in organizing the SEA Games," he explained.

Based on calculations from the Office of the State Minister for Youth and Sports, the cost of the 1997 SEA Games was Rp. 70 billion. The consortium has agreed to cover the costs, including the preparation costs for the Indonesian contingent.

The statement letter was included in the points of consideration for the issuance of Kemenkokesra Number 14 of 1996 as a follow-up to Presidential Instruction Number 5 of 1996. Beyond the original plan, the consortium was burdened with additional preparations for the Indonesian Pelatnas continent of IDR 32 billion.

Meanwhile, Pelatnas activities are not attached to the cost of procuring the SEA Games.

"The cost of implementing the SEA Games should be the responsibility of the Indonesian government as a participant in preparing for the participation of the Indonesian contingent and not included in the costs of organizing the SEA Games by the Consortium," he explained.

The consortium led by Bambang Trihatmodjo successfully organized this prestigious international event. Even Indonesia managed to present the overall title of the 1997 SEA Games.

But strangely, said Sasmito, the son of former Indonesian President Soeharto was even defamed because of the bailout of preparation costs and national training for SEA Games athletes.

"Now with the trivial case of bailout funds of Rp35 billion which is not for Bambang Trihatmojo's personal interest, how come for matters that have never been clarified the truth of the use of SEA Games funds which cost Rp. 156 billion does not directly invite those concerned to provide an explanation, but instead with His authority as State General Treasurer issues a decision of the Minister of Finance to prevent an Indonesian citizen whose legal standing is not clear. Is that policy not an arbitrary attitude ?, "he explained.

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